Benefits of Ashwagandha

What is Ashwagandha?

Human adaptability is indispensable as much as it is natural. A rapid response or an evolutionary development, it essentially defines the way we perceive the world where in the 21st century, wars are still being started and mundane things don’t always go as planned.

Luckily, there are natural remedies that effectively help us develop resilience. Resilience enters the room between an immediate stress response and the collateral mental and physical damage to our bodies. Among the positive factors that may help with the first and reduce the latter, nutrition resides on a respectable throne, since the food we eat has a huge impact on our cognitive abilities and mood. Hence adaptogens should be quite literally the first thing on your mind and tongue if your environment is more stressful than nurturing.

For instance, ashwagandha.

Gaining attention of the Western public rather recently, it is classified as an adaptogen - a group of substances that help your body adapt to stressful environments. Ashwagandha has scientific backing for the benefits it provides, constituting a positive influence on stress mitigation, energy levels, and long-term health. 

Benefits of ashwagandha

The positive effects of ashwagandha come from the adaptogenic nature of the substance, regulating stress hormones and benefiting those who want to feel better in terms of:

  • stress & anxiety relief
  • improved sleep
  • athletic performance
  • fertility
  • controlling blood sugar levels
  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • reducing inflammation
  • brain health (long-term memory, focus and resilience)

How to use ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha usually comes in capsule, powdered or tablet form and can be consumed on its own or in a combination with foods or drinks. Powdered form should be the best for incorporating ashwagandha in meals or smoothies, since that makes it easier to mix with other ingredients. If you decide to include it as a supplement on a regular basis, just take it along with your other vitamins.

As with any kind of plant-based superpowers, when and in which dosages you should use ashwagandha will differ on an individual level. It may be beneficial to take it in the morning after breakfast to prevent possible stomach discomfort. Taking ashwagandha before going to bed might help promote sleep quality, however, it may take up to 10 weeks to notice the positive difference and the benefits won't kick in overnight.

Remember: it is a natural remedy - not a quick fix, so you have to be patient and diligent to reach the desired health effects!

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