Productivity techniques: heatwave remedies

Last week, we told you about the importance of focusing on seasonal vegetables.

Living in tune with nature and not against it also implies listening to your own body. One heatwave after another, snow or storm, we try to stick to the same routine at work, when all it takes is a little flexibility to balance out the scales of productivity and vivacity while the thermometer is dancing in the higher register.

We’ve collected some of the most established practices that are proven to increase focus and even prevent burnout — a must-try in burning hot weather!


The Pomodoro Technique is a handy productivity method that consists in setting 25-minute-long working intervals followed by 5-minute breaks. One such cycle is called “pomodoro” , after a popular kitchen timer. Four to five pomodoros in, you take a longer break for 20 minutes.
This technique allows you to see a working day as chunks of dedicated focus points that allow you to set smaller tasks and get them done one by one. This way, instead of a marathon, a big goal is divided into small sprints that are way more bearable and give you a sense of accomplishment faster.

Eat the frog (yes, it's vegan!)

Not literally, of course - the name comes from a metaphoric saying ascribed to Mark Twain: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” That is, do the most unpleasant and unimpressive tasks first, then proceed to the more enjoyable ones. Having the hardest part behind you, the dark cloud that would otherwise hang right above your head all day long waiting to explode has already passed, and it is only uphill from here!

Two-minute rule

The next one follows a similar principle, led by the goal to maximise focus and clear the head. The “two-minute rule” is plain and simple: if a task takes less than two minutes to get done, get it done right now. Otherwise these little assignments bulk up and take the emphasis away from the more complex ones that need your whole attention. While short and sweet on their own, an accumulation inevitably leads to an illusion of annoying complexity, creating a burden that was never there.

Feeling inspired to try these out? Don't forget that breaks are for snacks: how about a little “Brain Push” with AHARAbar?

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